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الربح من الانترنت 3 طرق لربح 2000 دولار شهرياً

الربح من الانترنت 3 طرق لربح 2000 دولار شهرياً
لا داعى لمقدمة طويلة لأن الطرق شرحها سيطول دعونا نبدئ على بركة الله ولكن فقط أحب أن أنوه أن هذه الطرق تحتاج إلى تطبيق لا تحكم على شئ بدون أن تخضعه للتجربة أولاً حتى يكون حكمك مبنى على تجربتك الشخصية .
الطريقة الأولى PBN آمنة

هنالك مجالات عربية وأجنبية يمكنك أن تربح منها شهرياً ما يزيد عن 1000 و 2000 دولار من خلال جوجل أدسنس أو الأفيلييت ولكن هذه المجالات تتسم بمنافسة صعبة للغاية ولتحتل نتائج متقدمة فى مثل هذه المجالات ستحتاج إلى عمل شاق وطويل ولكن الأن هنالك حلول مجربة للصعود بموقعك للصفحة الأولى فى مثل هذه المجالات الشرسة وأحد أفضل هذه الحلول على الإطلاق هو Private Blog Network

ولكن ليس أى بلوج نيتورك يمكن لها أن تحقق لك ما تطمح له بل بالعكس تنفيذها بشكل خاطئ قد يعرضك أنت وموقعك الرئيسى للخطر والعقاب من جوجل لأن كما يعلم الجميع هذه الإستراتيجية التى ساعدت الألاف حول العالم فى تحقيق مئات الألاف شهرياً تعتبر Grey HAT SEO وبها مخاطرة ولكنها محسوبة إذا تمت بشكل سليم .

متطلبات إنشاء PBN آمنة وناجحة ؟

1. إستضافة تقدم عدد لا بأس به من الـ Dedicated IPs
2. عدد لا يقل عن 6 دومينات ذات أوثورتى + Whois Guard
3. عدد لا يقل عن 6 تدوينات فى الـ 6 مواقع
4. تنويع فى نوع منصات المحتوى فى الـ 6 مواقع
5. قالب مختلف لكل موقع من المواقع الـ 6

الإستضافة : هى الحلقة الأهم فى البلوج نيتورك ونحن نحتاج لإستضافة تقدم Dedicated IP لكل موقع سنستخدمه داخل سيرفراتها , لأن الحل البديل هو إستخدام إستضافة مختلفة لكل موقع للحصول على IP مختلف , وهذا سيكون مكلفاً بشكل كبير ومرهق أيضاً لأنك ستضطر للتعامل مع الـ 6 إستضافات فى أن واحد .

وواحدة من أفضل الإستضافات التى تقدم هذه الخدمة هى إستضافة ixwebhosting التى تقدم 3 خطط مختلفة Expert , Unlimited , Business والأفضل بالطبع هى خطة Unlimited لأنه يعطيك 15 Dedicated IP مما يعطيك الفرصة لإنشاء 15 موقع داخل النيتورك الخاصة بك .

قم بحجز إستضافتك لمدة 3 شهور بسعر 65$ ولكن أنا أفضل أن تحجزها لمدة سنة بسعر 107 دولار من IXwebhsoting التى أستخدمها شخصياً فى الـ PBN الخاصة بى .

هنالك مواقع إخرى تقدم نفس الخدمة ولكن بأسعار متفاوتة مثل :-

1 . Godaddy
2 . Arvixe
3 . BlueHost
4 . SiteGround

الدومينات : أنت فى حاجة لنيتورك لا تقل عن 6 مواقع ولا تزيد عن 15 موقع بحد أقصى وهذا يختلف بناء على قوة المنافسة فى المجال الذى تستهدفه , ولكن على أى حال عدد 6 مواقع هو عدد كافى للغاية لتحقيق نتائج قوية وسريعة فى مجالات متوسطة الصعوبة .

أنصحك بإستخدام Namecheap لتسجيل الـ 6 دومينات بسعر 60$ دولار حيث إنه يوفر Whois guard مجاناً لأول سنة بعكس Godaddy الذى ستضطر لدفع مبلغ 6 دولار تقريباً لكل دومين حتى تخفى معلومات تسجيله .

الحصول على دومينات ذات أثوروتى : قم بتسجيل حساب جديد داخل موقع Expireddomains.netثم قم بالدخول على قسم Deleted Domains والبحث فى الدومينات المتاحة ولكن قم بتطبيق الفيلتر الموجود فى الصورة التالية :

قم بتطبيق الفلاتر التالية :-

أولاً Dropped تابع الدومينات التى تم إسقاطها فى أخر 24 ساعة فقط , فهى الدومينات التى يوجد بها فرص متاحة من دومينات ذات أوثورتى لم يتم تسجيلها بعد , لأن الدومينات التى سقطت منذ أكثر من 24 ساعة لن تجد فيها دومينات مميزة لأنهم تم تسجيلهم بالفعل .

ثانياً PR عليك أن تختار دومين لا يمتلك Fake Pagerank وهو صاحب اللون الأصفر حيث أنه سيعود عليك بالضرر وأيضاً إبتعد عن أى دومين ذو بيدج رانك بالسالب , إختار فقط الدومينات صاحبة البيدج رانك باللون الأخضر أو بيدج رانك صفر .

ثالثاً BL عدد الباك لينكات لكل دومين يعطيك فكره على قوته , فبالطبع كلما زاد عدد الباك لينكس كلما ذادت قوته من ناحية الأوثورتى والـ Trust flow .

بعد إختيارك للدومين الذى يتوفر فيه هذه العوامل قم بالدخول على OSE وقم بفحص الدومين لتتأكد من بعض النقاط الهامة , أولاً عدد الباك لينكس وعدد الدومينات الحاصل منها الموقع على الباك لينكس و الـ Anchor text .

كلما زاد عدد الدومينات الحاصل منها الموقع على الباك لينكس كلما كان أفضل وكلما تنوعت الـAnchor text كلما كان أفضل وأفضل , ولكن عليك أن تفحص مصادر الباك لينكس حتى لا تكون من مواقع صينية أو مواقع سبام أو مواقع اباحية .

التدوينات : لإنشاء بلوج نيتورك قوية ستحتاج محتوى حصرى لكل موقع من المواقع الـ 6 ولهذا يمكنك الإستعانة بخدمات كتابة المقالات المدفوعة على الإنترنت أو كتابة تدوينات بنفسك , وأفضل المواقع الموجودة على الإنترنت التى تقدم هذه الخدمة بأسعار معقولة هو موقع Iwriter وموقعPeoplePerHour

بالنسبة لـ Iwriter التدوينة صاحبة الـ 500 كلمة تكلفتها 3.25 دولار
إذا قمت بشراء 6 تدوينات هذا يعنى 20 دولار تقريباً .

منصات المحتوى : لديك 6 مواقع أنصحك أن لا تنشئ 6 مدونات بل قم بالتنويع , أنا على سبيل المثال فى البلوج نيتورك الخاصة بى يوجد 3 مواقع يستخدمون منصة الـ Wordpress و موقع يستخدم PunBB Forum وموقع على Blogger وموقع أخر على Tumblr .

فقط قم بربط الدومين بعد أن تقوم بشرائه بمنصة Blogger و Tumblr بدون الحاجة إلى هوست وبالطبع كل من المنصتان لديه IP مختلف وهذا ترشيداً للنفقات نوعاً ما .

تجنب هذه الأشياء فى النيتورك الخاصة بك
1. أن تربط أى حساب لك على السوشيال ميديا بموقعك
2. لا تربط بين موقعين من مواقع النيتورك نهائياً
3. لا تشير إلى موقعك المستهدف أكثر من 3 مرات فى الموقع بالكامل
4. قم بوضع أكثر من لينك خارجى داخل تدويناتك ليس موقعك فقط
5. قم بالتنويع فى الـ Anchor text التى تستخدمها فى مواضيعك

الأن أنت جاهز لإطلاق أول PBN لك وفى الصورة التالية
صورة لأرباحى فى شهر 10 لأحد الخدمات التى أسوقها على موقعى المستهدف
الصورة من موقع Hasoffers وهذا من خلال التسويق لعرض واحد فقط
هذا بعد أن أستطعت إحتلال المرتبة الأولى على الكلمة التى كنت أستهدفها .
الطريقة الثانية Launch Jacking
هذه الطريقة بإختصار حتى نبدئ شرح التطبيق أيضاً , عبارة عن قنص فرصة إصدار الـ Digital Products الجديدة ومحاولة الحصول على هامش من الأرباح فور إصدار المنتج قد يصل فى بعض الأحيان إلى 2000 دولار فى أول أسبوع فقط .

تعتبر هذه الطريقة واحدة من أسهل طرق الربح من الانترنت لأنها لها Blueprint واضح وتطبيقه لا يحتاج إلى إبداع بل فقط إختيار موفق وعمل منظم لا غير .

الخطوة الأولى : قم بمراقبة الـ Digital products التى ستصدر بعد أسبوعين من وقت تطبيقك لهذه الطريقة من خلال موقع MunchEye أو JVnotify

الخطوة الثانية : بعد إختيار منتج معين والتقدم لتسويقه عن طريق Jvzoo أو Clickbank قم بتسجيل دومين EMD بإسم المنتج أو مع إضافة كلمة Review له على سبيل المثال منتج Social Marketing Suite يمكنك حجز دومين له بالإسم التالى أو إذا كان محجوز يمكنك حجز دومين بإسم

قم بكتابة بعض المعلومات عن المنتج من خلال تدوينات جديدة خلال أسبوع من التدوين على الموقع وبناء القليل من الباك لينكس ستجد الموقع إحتل النتيجة الأولى فى جوجل على الكلمة المفتاحية المستهدفة وهى إسم المنتج الذى إخترته .

الخطوة الثالثة : بمجرد طرح المنتج يجب عليك أن تكثف عملية التدوين حتى تصل فى أول 3 أيام من طرح المنتج إلى معدل تدوينتين يومياً , تستهدف فى عنوان كل تدوينة جملة مفتاحية لها علاقة بالمنتج على سبيل المثال :-

• Social Marketing Suite Discount
• Social Marketing Suite walkthrough
• Social Marketing Suite Testimonials
• Social Marketing Suite Case study

وهكذا حتى تجلب أكبر نسبة من الأشخاص الذين يبحثون عن معلومات عن هذا المنتج , الأمر بسيط للغاية أحياناً ليس عليك أن تسوق للمنتج الذى حجزت الدومين بإسمه إذا رأيت أنه لا يستحق أو أنه منتج فاشل ولا يحقق نجاح تسويقى , فيمكنك إستغلال نفس الدومين والتسويق لمنتج أخر يقوم بنفس المهمة التى يقوم بها المنتج القديم .

الخطوة الرابعة : قم بإنشاء فيديو تسويقى للمنتج مستعيناً بإحدى خدمات Fiverr المتخصصة فى هذا الأمر وإنشره على اليوتيوب وضع فى وصف الفيديو رابط موقعك هذا سيزيد من فرصة تحقيقك لمبيعات وأرباح فى فترة قصيرة .

تنوية هام : يجب أن تكون كل هذه الخطوات قد تمت بالفعل بمجرد إطلاق المنتج فتأخرك ليوم واحد قد يضيع عليك فرصة كبيرة فى جنى الأرباح .

الباك لينكس التى ستحصل عليها : إهتم فى أول 48 ساعة ببناء عدد قليل من الباك لينكس لموقعك عن طريق نشر روابطه فى أدلة المواقع التالية :-


أنت الأن على الطريق الصحيح لبدئ جنى أول أرباحك عن طريق Launch Jacking إهتم بوضع رابط موقعك على الفيس بوك وتويتر من
خلال التعليقات والـ Tweets خلال أسبوع من إنشائه .

الطريقة الثالثة TOP Reviews
هذه الطريقة هى الأكثر ربحاً على الإطلاق وحتى لا يطول الموضوع أكثر من ذلك سندخل مباشرة فى الشرح التطبيقى لها ولكن بإختصار دعنى أشرح لك ماهية هذه الطريقة .

هذه الطريقة تعتمد على المراجعات التى تقارن فيها بين أفضل 5 أو 10 منتجات أو خدمات فى مجال ما وتوصيتك لمنتج معين بناء على رؤيتك .

ما المطلوب منك حتى تنجح هذه الطريقة ؟

1. دومين EMD مثل
2. تحضير مراجعة شاملة لكل موقع من العشر مواقع
3. حملة باك لينكس أو حملة مدفوعة الإختيار لك .

أولاً الدومين : سوف تحتاج أن تسجل دومين به الكلمة المفتاحية الرئيسية التى تستهدفها ويسبقها كلمة Top10 أو Top5 وأنصحك أيضاً أن تخفى معلومات تسجيلك عن طريق Whois Guard .

ثانياً الإستضافة : أى إستضافة متوسطة ستفى بالغرض لأنك لن تحصل على ترافيك كبير بل ترافيك مستهدف بأقصى درجة وهذا هو ما يجلب الأرباح , أنصحك بـ Arvixe لأسعارها المعقولة وجودتها العالية .

ثالثاً السكريبت : يجب عليك أن تستخدم سكريبت مخصص للـ Top reviews وليس وورد بريس وأنصحك كثيراً بهذا السكريب الرائع Top Reviews Script بـ 15 دولار فقط وتركيبه على السيرفر سهل للغاية .

رابعاً مصدر الأرباح : يجب عليك أن تشترك فى شبكات إعلانية كبيرة لتحصل منها على حقوق التسويق للمواقع والخدمات الكبرى وهذه الشبكات بالترتيب هى :-

Commission Junction

خامساً التسويق لموقعك : هنالك عدة طرق لتسويق هذه المواقع ولكن أكثرهم فاعلية وأسرعهم عائد هى الـ PPC فإستغلالك جوجل أددورز للإعلان عن موقعك فى محرك البحث جوجل مستهدفاً بعض الكلمات المتعلقة بالكلمة الرئيسية التى تستهدفها لعدة أيام كفيل أن يأتى لك بعائد خرافى .

أنصحك إذا كان معك كوبون جوجل أددورز ولم تستغله حتى اليوم فقط قم بدفع 25 دولار لتنشيطه وإستخدمه الـ 100 دولار , إستخدمه لمدة 3 أيام وشاهد العوائد التى ستحصل عليها من إستغلالك هذه الطريقة الرائعة .

الطريقة الثانية : هى Sponsored Ads على الفيس بوك فهذه أيضاً طريقة مجربة وفعالة للغاية فى التسويق لمثل هذه المواقع فى فترة قصيرة هنا لا أتحدث عن Sponsored posts ولكن أتحدث عن الإعلانات التى تظهر مباشرة فى السايد بار أو أسفل البوستات المختلفة الأمر مكلف قليلاً ولكن عائد تسويق خدمة أو موقع واحد يعادل 10 أضعاف ما ستنفقه على الإعلان .

سادساً إستغلال الـ Video Marketing : قم بالذهاب إلى موقع Odesk وقم بطلب خدمة جديدة Video Production قد تكون مكلفة بعض الشئ على حسب إحترافية من يقدم هذه الخدمة , ولكن عوائدها أيضاً فى منتهى الروعة وهذا بناء على تجربتى الشخصية فربما فيديو واحد يشاهده 1000 شخص يجلب لك 100 عملية تحويل × 150 دولار على سبيل المثال : 15 ألف دولار .

وهذا نتاج تطبيق هذه الطريقة فى شهر أكتوبر , وهذا بعد أن قمت بتسويق الموقع عن طريق Google Adwords لمدة 15 يوم , الصورة من موقع ShareASale .

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قصيده تلخص تاريخ وقوة دولة بني خالد

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مراحل رسم وجه فتاة بقلم الرصاص

مراحل رسم وجه فتاة بقلم الرصاص

traveling to turkey

tourism in turkey

b>As a well-known tourism destination, Turkey continues to present investment opportunities both in the established and newly developing subsectors of the industry. Turkey is currently the 6th most popular tourist destination in the world, attracting more than 30 million tourists annually and continuing to show positive growth year-on-year.

The Turkish tourism industry’s energetic and continuous growth remains unhindered by the negative effects of the recent global economic crisis, and there is still an immense amount of untapped potential in the sector. Breathtaking coastlines along the Aegean and Mediterranean Seas, with long sandy beaches and pristine bays, contribute significantly to this robustly growing industry. Adding to Turkey’s natural riches, the country is the birthplace of many ancient civilizations that left their mark on history. The vast number of archeological sites dotting the landscape of Anatolia reminds one of the various empires and diverse cultures, some dating back millennia, that once thrived there. From Ephesus in the west to Mount Nemrut in the east and further beyond, it is common to encounter sacred sites, temples and religious grounds belonging to various cultures and beliefs.

A flurry of new hotel openings and brand hotel investments all over Turkey, not just in major tourism centers like Antalya, Mugla and Istanbul, will go a long way towards helping the tourism sector meet and exceed targets for 2023. The increasing number of airports (12 new airports in the last five years), investments in transportation infrastructure, the rapid growth of Turkish Airlines, and government grants have all played a role in the expansion of hotel properties in Turkey. There are currently 281 projects in the pipeline that would add 74,130 much needed beds to Turkey’s short supply. As a result of being the 6th most popular tourism destination in the world, many global hotel chains have targeted the country for growth. In 2014, there were more than 165 hotel chains in Turkey, with 15 percent of these hotels being owned by international investors. Total turnover of the tourism industry exceeded USD 34 billion in 2014, an increase of 6 percent compared to the previous year.

According to the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the number of foreign travelers arriving in Turkey in 2014 was 39.8 million, up 5 percent compared to 2013 and a good 200 percent better than the 2002 numbers. Antalya is the most preferred city in Turkey based on the number of incoming foreign visitors. Visited by 34 percent of the foreign tourists, Antalya has over 500 4-star and 5-star hotels in its center and surrounding towns such as Kemer, Belek and Kas. Following Antalya, Istanbul hosted 32 percent of the foreign tourists, while the capital, Ankara, saw 1 percent of the tourists. Along the Aegean coast, Mugla hosted 9 percent of foreign visitors, followed by Izmir and Aydin with 4 percent and 2 percent respectively. Further inland, Denizli - home of Pamukkale - and Nevsehir - home of Cappadocia - each hosted 3 percent of the visitors.

Looking at the tourism infrastructure, by the end of 2014 there were 13,436 registered accommodation facilities. 9,188 of these facilities were licensed by their respective municipalities, while the remaining 4,248 held tourism operation licenses. The combined total bed capacity of these facilities exceeds 1,250,000.

In terms of geothermal tourism potential, Turkey is among the top seven countries in the world and ranks 1st in Europe with its 1,500 thermal springs. Bed capacity in the various thermal spa resorts has reached a combined 55.140.

Turkey is also an emerging destination for golf tourism with 15 tourism operation licensed golf resorts. Most golf courses in Turkey use Bermuda grass, which is perfect for a Mediterranean climate and can be used for more than a decade. Turkish Airlines continues to make impressive strides in the world of golf by sponsoring and supporting several prestigious professional and amateur events. The Turkish Airlines World Golf Cup was launched in 2013 and spans 12 cities globally. The company has also entered its 5th year sponsoring the Turkish Airlines Ladies Open, one of the Ladies European Tour’s most popular events. In 2015, Europe’s finest golfers and many greats from elsewhere around the world will head to Turkey for the Turkish Airlines Open presented by the Ministry of Youth and Sports.

Here are some of the essential facts and figures in the Turkish tourism sector:

• The tourism sector has set annual targets of 50 million tourist arrivals and revenues of USD 50 billion by 2023.
• Growth in the Turkish tourism industry has been above the global average in recent years and the direct contribution of the industry to the GDP reached USD 34 billion in 2014.
• Turkey is the 6th most popular tourist destination in the world with an ever-increasing number of visitors. From 2002 to 2014, the number of international tourist arrivals increased 200 percent, reaching more than 39.8 million foreign visitors.
• By the end of 2014, there were 13,436 registered accommodation facilities in Turkey. 9,188 of these were municipality-licensed and 4,248 held tourism operation licenses. The total combined bed capacity exceeds 1,250,000.
• In terms of geothermal tourism potential, Turkey is among the top seven countries in the world and ranks 1st in Europe with its 1,500 thermal springs. Bed availability in thermal vacation resorts has reached 55,140.
• Turkey has 7,200 km of coastline and ranks 2nd among 38 countries with its 436 blue-flag beaches; only Spain has more blue-flag beaches with 578. There are also 22 blue-flag marinas in Turkey.
• Turkey is an emerging destination for golf tourism, with 15 tourism operation licensed golf resorts. Most golf courses in Turkey use Bermuda grass, which is perfect for a Mediterranean climate and can be used for more than a decade.
• Owing to its increasing global connectivity, due in no small part to its favorable geographical position, Istanbul is very much the center of attention with its recent rise to the 5th most visited city according to MasterCard Global Destinations Cities Index 2015 (With over 11.8 million foreign and domestic visitors annually).
• It is not just tourism driving the growth of visitors to Istanbul; the city remains a preferred site for hosting international meetings. The International Congress and Convention Association's (ICCA) Country and City Rankings Report for 2014 saw Istanbul maintain its top 10 position as a global congress destination. Ranking 9th in the world in 2014 with 130 congresses, Istanbul has now held a top 10 position since 2010.

The Turkish tourism sector continues to grow at a rate that outstrips its bed capacity and even though there has been a surge of investments in the last several years, there is still ample room for new investments. Eastern and Southeastern Anatolia both have untapped potential for culture tourism as well as the increasingly popular boutique hotel concept that blends well with the regions’ characteristic nature, history and culture.

The Turkish government offers incentives and pursues policies that offer reduced utility prices and reduced tax rates while decisively eliminating any bureaucratic barriers that may hinder sectorial growth. The combined efforts of the government and industry organizations have already enabled the rise of investment in new areas, such as construction of large convention and expo centers that have contributed to a boom in the events industry, particularly in the country’s largest city, Istanbul.

As mentioned above, the country is the 6th most popular tourist destination in the world and is well on its way to attracting more than 40 million tourists annually within the next couple of years. With its favorable location, existing potential, mega projects, and ambitious targets for 2023, Turkey offers great opportunities for investors by combining a large tourism sector with growing commercial and infrastructure output.

قصة إبليس وأبيه سوميا أبو الجن الذي خلق قبل آدم عليه السلام ب 2000 عام

قصه إبليس وأبيه سوميا أبو الجن الذى خلق قبل آدم عليه السلام ب 2000 عام

خلق الله عز وجل (سوميا) أبو الجن قبل خلق آدم عليه السلام بألفي عام .. وقال عز وجل لـ(سوميا): تمن .. فقال (سوميا): أتمنى أن نرى ولا نُرى، وأن نغيب في الثرى، وأن يصير كهلنا شاباً .. ولبى الله عز وجل لـ(سوميا) أمنيته، وأسكنه الأرض له ما يشاء فيها .. وهكذا كان الجن أول من عبد الرب في الأرض. (المصدر قول ابن عباس رضي الله عنه).
لكن أتت أمة من الجن، بدلاً من أن يداوموا الشكر للرب على ما أنعم عليهم من النعم، فسدوا في الأرض بسفكهم للدماء فيما بينهم .. وأمر الرب جنوده من الملائكة بغزو الأرض لاجتثاث الشرّ الذي عمها وعقاب بني الجن على إفسادهم فيها.
وغزت الملائكة الأرض وقتلت من قتلت وشردت من شردت من الجن .. وفرّ من الجن نفر قليل، اختبئوا بالجزر وأعالي الجبال .. وأسر الملائكة من الجن (إبليس) الذي كان حينذاك صغيراً، وأخذوه معهم للسماء. (المصدر تفسير ابن مسعود).
كبر (إبليس) بين الملائكة، واقتدى بهم بالاجتهاد في الطاعة للخالق سبحانه .. وأعطاه الرب منزلة عظيمة بتوليته سلطان السماء الدنيا.
وخلق الرب أبو البشر (آدم) عليه السلام .. وأمر الملائكة بالسجود لـ(آدم)، وسجدوا جميعاً طاعةً لأمر الرب، لكن (إبليس) أبى السجود .. وبعد أن سأله الرب عن سبب امتناعه قال: ((أنا خير منه، خلقتني من نار وخلقته من طين)).
وطرد الرب (إبليس) من رحمته، عقاباً له على عصيانه وتكبره .. وبعد أن رأى (إبليس) ما آل إليه الحال، طلب من الرب أن يمد له بالحياة حتى يوم البعث، وأجاب الرب طلبه .. ثم أخذ (إبليس) يتوعد (آدم) وذريته من بعده بأنه سيكون سبب طردهم من رحمة الله.
قال تعالى: {إذ قال ربُك للملائكة إني خالق بشراً من طين . فإذا سويتهُ ونفخت فيه من روحي فقعوا له ساجدين . فسجد الملائكة كلهم أجمعون . إلا إبليس استكبر وكان من الكافرين . قال يا إبليس ما منعك أن تسجد لما خلقت بيدي أستكبرت أم كنت من العالين . قال أنا خيرٌ منه خلقتني من نارٍ وخلقته من طين . قال فاخرج منها فإنك رجيم . وإن عليك لعنتي إلى يوم الدين . قال رب فأنظرني إلى يوم يبعثون . قال فإنك من المنظرين . إلى يوم الوقت المعلوم . قال فبعزتك لأغوينهم أجمعين . إلا عبادك منهم المخلصين . قال فالحقُّ والحق أقول . لأملأن جهنم منك وممن تبعك منهم أجمعين} آيات 71 ـ 85 سورة ص.
وأسكن الرب (آدم) الجنة، وخلق له أم البشر (حواء) لتؤنسه في وحدته، وأعطاهما مطلق الحرية في الجنة، إلا شجرة نهاهما عن الأكل منها .. قال تعالى: {أسكن أنت وزوجك الجنة وكلا منها رغداً حيث شئتما ولا تقربا هذه الشجرة فتكونا من الظالمين} آية 35 سورة البقرة.
في حين بقيت النار في داخل (إبليس) موقدة، تبغي الانتقام من (آدم) الذي يراه السبب في طرده من رحمة الرب .. وهو غير مدرك أن كبره وحسده لـ(آدم) هما اللذان أضاعا منه منزلته التي تبوأها بين الملائكة، وضياع الأهم طرده من رحمة ربه.
كانت الجنة محروسة من الملائكة الذين يُحرمون على (إبليس) دخولها كما أمرهم الرب بذلك .. وكان (إبليس) يُمني النفس بدخول الجنة حتى يتمكن من (آدم) الذي لم يكن يغادرها.
فاهتدى لحيلة .. وهي أنه شاهد الحية يتسنى لها دخول الجنة والخروج منها، دون أن يمنعها الحراس الملائكة من الدخول أو الخروج .. فطلب من الحية مساعدته للدخول للجنة، بأن يختبئ داخل جوفها حتى تمر من الحراس الملائكة .. ووافقت الحية، واختبئ (إبليس) داخلها حتى تمكنت من المرور من حراسة الملائكة لداخل الجنة دون أن تُكتشف الحيلة .. وذلك لحكمة لا يعلمها إلا الله سبحانه. (المصدر تفسير ابن كثير).
وطلب (إبليس) من الحية أن تكمل مساعدتها له، ووافقت .. وعلم (إبليس) بأمرِ الشجرة التي نهى الرب سبحانه (آدم) و(حواء) من الأكل منها، ووجد أنها المدخل الذي سيتسنى له منه إغواء (آدم) و(حواء) حتى يخرجهما عن طاعة الرب وخروجهما من رحمته تماماً كحاله.
ووجد (إبليس) والحية (آدم) و(حواء) داخل الجنة، فأغوى (إبليس) (آدم)، بينما أغوت الحية (حواء) حتى أكلا من الشجرة، بعد أن أوهماهما بأنهما من الناصحين، وأن من يأكل من هذه الشجرة يُصبح من الخالدين، ومن أصحاب مُلك لا يُبلى.
وغضب الرب على (آدم) و(حواء) لأكلهما من الشجرة .. وذكرهما بتحذيره لهما: {ألم أنهكما عن تلكما الشجرة وأقل لكما إن الشيطان لكما عدوٌ مبين} آية 22 سورة الأعراف.
لم يجدا (آدم) و(حواء) أي تبرير لفعلتهما سوى طلب المغفرة: {ربنا ظلمنا أنفسنا وإن لم تغفر لنا وترحمنا لنكونن من الخاسرين} آية 23 سورة الأعراف.
وحكم الرب على (آدم) و(حواء) و(إبليس) والحية بعد ما حدث: {اهبطوا بعضكم لبعض عدو ولكم في الأرض مستقر ومتاع إلى حين} آية 36 سورة البقرة.
وهبط (آدم) و(حواء) من السماء إلى الأرض وتحديداً في الهند كما ذهب أكثر المفسرين .. في حين هبط (إبليس) في "دستميسان" على مقربة من البصرة .. وهبطت الحية في أصبهان. (المصدر البداية والنهاية لابن كثير).
وتاب الرب على (آدم) و(حواء)، ووعدهما بالفوز بالجنة إن اتبعا هداه، وبالنار إن ضلا السبيل: {فمن تبع هداي فلا خوف عليهم ولا هم يحزنون . والذين كفروا وكذبوا بآياتنا أولئك أصحاب النار هم فيها خالدون}.
((المواجهة في الأرض بين الإنس والجن .. وإبليس يبني مملكته))
كانت الأرض صحراء مقفرة، لكن الرب أعطى (آدم) من ثمار الجنة ليزرعها بعد أن علمه صنعة كل شيء .. وزرع (آدم) ثمار الجنة على الأرض، وأنجب من (حواء) الأولاد، وبقي على طاعة ربه فيما أمر واجتناب ما نهى عنه.
ولم يُخمد (إبليس) نار عداوته لـ(آدم) رغم ما فعل بطرد أبو البشر من الجنة .. فكان يُمني النفس أن يُحرم عليه الجنة للأبد تماماً كحاله .. لكن ما العمل؟ فهو يرى أن عداوته قد انكشفت، ولم يعد بإمكانهِ مواجهة (آدم) الذي هو على طاعة الرب قائم، غير أن (إبليس) بالأصلِ ضعيف كما أخبرنا سبحانه بذلك: {إن كيد الشيطان كان ضعيفاً} آية 76 سورة النساء، ولا قوة له إلا على الضالين: {فبعزتك لأغوينهم أجمعين . إلا عبادك منهم المخلصين}.
لذا اختار أن يستخدم سلاحه "الوسوسة"، لكن ليس على (آدم) و(حواء) بل على أبنهم (قابيل) الذي كان يُمني النفس بالزواج من توأمته التي شاء الرب أن يتزوجها أخيه (هابيل) .. فوسوس (إبليس) بـ(قابيل) قتل أخيه (هابيل) فحدث ما حدث من القتل ......... والقصة في ذلك مشهورة.
ووجد (إبليس) بذلك أن ذرية (آدم) هدفه .. فتجنب (آدم) و(حواء) لإيمانهما القوي وتوبتهما العظيمة، ووضع جلَّ أهدافه في ذريتهما التي رآها أضعف أمام الأهواء .. فبدأ شرّه يظهر للوجود وبلا حدود.
ماتا (آدم) و(حواء)، وظن (إبليس) أن موتهما انتهاءً لهروبه من المواجهة، وأن بإمكانه الظهور علناً للبشر وشنّ حربه عليهم، لأنهم ضعفاء لا يقدرون على المواجهة .. فظهر للعلن ومعه خلق من شياطين الجن والمردة والغيلان ليبسط نفوذه على الحياة في الأرض.
لكن الرب شاء أن ينصر بني الإنس على الجيش الإبليسي الذي أسسه (إبليس) من الجن والمردة والغيلان، حين نصرهم برجلٍ عظيم اسمه (مهلاييل) ونسبه هو: "مهلاييل بن قينن بن انوش بن شيث عليه السلام بن آدم عليه السلام" .. ويروى أنه ملك الأقاليم السبعة وأول من قطع الأشجار.
قام (مهلاييل) بتأسيس مدينتين محصنتين هما: مدينة بابل ومدينة السوس الأقصى، ليحتمي بها الإنس من أي خطرٍ يهددهم .. ثم أسس جيشه الإنسي الذي كان أول جيش في حياة الإنس للدفاع عن بابل والسوس الأقصى، وقامت معركةٌ رهيبة بين جيش (مهلاييل) وجيش (إبليس)، وكتب الرب النصر بها للإنس، حيث قُتل بها المردة والغيلان وعدد كبير من الجان، وفرّ (إبليس) من المواجهة. (المصدر البداية والنهاية لابن كثير).
بعد هزيمة (إبليس) وفراره من الأراضي التي يحكمها (مهلاييل) .. ظل يبحث عن مأوى يحميه ومن معه من شياطين الجن الخاسرين في المعركة ضد (مهلاييل) .. واختار أن يكون هذا المأوى بعيداً عن مواطن الإنس، يبني به مملكة يحكمها وتلم شمل قومه شياطين الجن الفارين من غزو الملائكة آنذاك .. فأي مأوى اختار (إبليس) لبناء مملكته؟
طاف (إبليس) في الأرض بحثاً عن المنطقة الملائمة لبناء حلمه .. ووقع اختياره على منطقتي مثلث برمودا ومثلث التنين .. وكان اختياره لهاتين المنطقتين لأسباب عدة هي:
ــ تقع منطقتي برمودا والتنين على بُعد آلاف الأميال عن المناطق التي يستوطنها البشر آنذاك.
ــ أراد (إبليس) أن تكون مملكته في المواطن التي فرّ إليها معظم شياطين الجن إبان غزو الملائكة والتي كانت لجزر البحار التي يصل تعدادها عشرات الآلاف.
استغل (إبليس) قدرات الجن الخارقة في بناء المملكة، والتي كان من أهم تلك القدرات التي تلائم طبيعة البحر ما ذكرها القرآن الكريم: {والشياطين كل بناء وغواص} آية 37 سورة ص.
وبعد ذلك وضع عرشه على الماء، وأسس جيشه من شياطين الجن الذين التفوا حوله في مملكته، ينفذون كل ما يأمرهم به .. قال الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم: ((إن الشيطان يضع عرشه على الماء، ثم يبعث سراياه في الناس، فأقربهم عنده منزلة أعظمهم عنده فتنة، يجيء أحدهم فيقول: ما زلت بفلان حتى تركته وهو يقول كذا وكذا، فيقول إبليس: لا والله ما صنعت شيئاً، ويجيء أحدهم فيقول: ما تركته حتى فرقت بينه وبين أهله، قال: فيقربه ويدنيه ويقول: نعم أنت)) رواه مسلم.
ووضع (إبليس) للحيات مكانة خاصة عنده، جزاء ما فعلت له الحية في السماء من مساعدة تسببت في خروج (آدم) و(حواء) من الجنة .. وذلك بأن جعلها من المقربين لعرشه .. في مسند أبي سعيد: عن أبي سعيد أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قال لابن صائد: ((ما ترى))؟ قال: أرى عرشاً على البحر حوله الحيات، فقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: ((صدق ذاك عرش إبليس)).
وأسس (إبليس) مجلس وزرائه الذين سيقود مخططاته الشيطانية في عالم الإنس .. عن كتاب "آكام المرجان للشلبي" روي عن (زيد) عن (مجاهد) قوله: ((لإبليس خمسة من ولده، قد جعل كل واحد منهم على شيء من أمره، ثم سماهم فذكر: ثبر، الأعور، سوط، داسم، زلنبور .. أما ثبر فهو صاحب المصيبات الذي يأمر بالثبور وشق الجيوب ولطم الخدود ودعوى الجاهلية .. وأما الأعور فهو صاحب الزنا الذي يأمر به ويزينه، وأما سوط فهو صاحب الكذب الذي يسمع فيلقى الرجل فيُخبره بالخبر فيذهب الرجل إلى القوم فيقول لهم: قد رأيتُ رجلاً أعرف وجهه وما أدري أسمه حدثني بكذا وكذا .. أما داسم فهو الذي يدخل مع الرجل إلى أهله يُريه العيب فيهم ويُغضبه عليهم .. أما زلنبور فهو صاحب السوق الذي يركز رايته في السوق.
ولم يكن (إبليس) وشياطين الجن فحسب من تسنى لهم بناء مملكة قوية، بل أيضاً الإنس بنوا حضارات عظيمة، حتى غدى العالم لبني الإنس قرية صغيرة، ولم يعد المكانين المنعزلين عن العالم المسميين برمودا والتنين غائبتين عن عيون الإنس، ذلك أن بفضل التكنولوجيا المتطورة التي اخترعها الإنس من طائرات حلقت في السماء، وسفن طافت البحار، وغواصات بلغت كل قاع، جعلت كل شيء تحت مرمى الأبصار
وظلت مملكة شياطين الجن آمنة لعصور عدة .. لكن ما أن عرف الإنس ركوب البحر ومرورهما بكلتا المنطقتين، إلا وأدرك شياطين الجن الخطر الذي يهددهم .. فاختطفوا أعداداً من السفن والقوارب والغواصات والطائرات التي ربما رأت سراً عن عالم شياطين الجن، فخشي الجن افتضاح أمرهم، وبالتالي خسارة مملكتهم، كما خسروا من قبل الأرض التي كانوا وحدهم يعيشون فيها، وخسروا معركتهم مع (مهلاييل) الذي شردهم عن الأراضي القريبة من مواطن الإنس .. فعمدوا إلى الاختطاف كل طائرة وسفينة ونحوهما مارة .. حتى حققوا بذلك نصراً عندما صدر قرار دولي بمنع الملاحة في منطقتي مثلث برمودا ومثلث التنين.

SQL LIKE Operator Examples

SQL LIKE Operator Examples
The following SQL statement selects all customers with a City starting with the letter "s":
SELECT * FROM Customers
WHERE City LIKE 's%';
Tip: The "%" sign is used to define wildcards (missing letters) both before and after the pattern. You will learn more about wildcards in the next chapter.
The following SQL statement selects all customers with a City ending with the letter "s":
SELECT * FROM Customers
WHERE City LIKE '%s';
The following SQL statement selects all customers with a Country containing the pattern "land":
SELECT * FROM Customers
WHERE Country LIKE '%land%';
Using the NOT keyword allows you to select records that do NOT match the pattern.
The following SQL statement selects all customers with Country NOT containing the pattern "land":
SELECT * FROM Customers
WHERE Country NOT LIKE '%land%';

True Stories of the Bermuda Triangle

These True Stories of the Bermuda Triangle Are Extremely Unnerving!

The Bermuda Triangle, also known as The Devil's Triangle is one of the world's most famous, or now infamous locations. For centuries the unexplained mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle have captured the imagination of millions.
The Bermuda Triangle is an area of the Atlantic ocean that lies between Bermuda, Puerto Rico and Miami and covers over 500,000 square miles. This triangular shaped area is responsible for a disproportionately high number of ships and planes passing through disappearing without a trace.

The Bermuda Triangle, also known as The Devil's Triangle is one of the world's most famous, or now infamous locations. For centuries the unexplained mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle have captured the imagination of millions.
The Bermuda Triangle is an area of the Atlantic ocean that lies between Bermuda, Puerto Rico and Miami and covers over 500,000 square miles. This triangular shaped area is responsible for a disproportionately high number of ships and planes passing through disappearing without a trace.

Since records began in 1851 an amazing 8,127 people have been lost without a trace in the Bermuda Triangle. What makes things even more perplexing is that in the cases where vessels have been found, the crew were nowhere to be seen.
With eerie accounts of strange lights in the sky, dating back to Christopher Columbus himself, we can see why the triangle is renowned for being more than a little unnerving for all who attempt to cross it.
Are there explanations?
There have been many a potential explanation for the goings on within the triangle. One such suggestion is a heavy extraterrestrial presence in this area; many a conspiracy theorists believe that there is an alien underwater base located somewhere in the triangle.

The Bermuda Triangle, also known as The Devil's Triangle is one of the world's most famous, or now infamous locations. For centuries the unexplained mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle have captured the imagination of millions.
The Bermuda Triangle is an area of the Atlantic ocean that lies between Bermuda, Puerto Rico and Miami and covers over 500,000 square miles. This triangular shaped area is responsible for a disproportionately high number of ships and planes passing through disappearing without a trace.

Since records began in 1851 an amazing 8,127 people have been lost without a trace in the Bermuda Triangle. What makes things even more perplexing is that in the cases where vessels have been found, the crew were nowhere to be seen.
With eerie accounts of strange lights in the sky, dating back to Christopher Columbus himself, we can see why the triangle is renowned for being more than a little unnerving for all who attempt to cross it.
Are there explanations?
There have been many a potential explanation for the goings on within the triangle. One such suggestion is a heavy extraterrestrial presence in this area; many a conspiracy theorists believe that there is an alien underwater base located somewhere in the triangle.

Some say that Atlantis lies below the triangle and holds secret powers of its own, and a favourite theory of renowned scientist Stephen Hawking's is that there may be vortices here which could act as gateways to different dimensions.
Some even say that this is where the Devil walks the earth, hence the name Devil's Triangle.

The Bermuda Triangle, also known as The Devil's Triangle is one of the world's most famous, or now infamous locations. For centuries the unexplained mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle have captured the imagination of millions.

The Bermuda Triangle is an area of the Atlantic ocean that lies between Bermuda, Puerto Rico and Miami and covers over 500,000 square miles. This triangular shaped area is responsible for a disproportionately high number of ships and planes passing through disappearing without a trace.

Since records began in 1851 an amazing 8,127 people have been lost without a trace in the Bermuda Triangle. What makes things even more perplexing is that in the cases where vessels have been found, the crew were nowhere to be seen.

With eerie accounts of strange lights in the sky, dating back to Christopher Columbus himself, we can see why the triangle is renowned for being more than a little unnerving for all who attempt to cross it.

Are there explanations?

There have been many a potential explanation for the goings on within the triangle. One such suggestion is a heavy extraterrestrial presence in this area; many a conspiracy theorists believe that there is an alien underwater base located somewhere in the triangle.

Some say that Atlantis lies below the triangle and holds secret powers of its own, and a favourite theory of renowned scientist Stephen Hawking's is that there may be vortices here which could act as gateways to different dimensions.

Some even say that this is where the Devil walks the earth, hence the name Devil's Triangle.

Countering the paranormal and extraterrestrial, there is of course the meteorological explanations. Weather could play a massive part in the disappearance of a lot of these vessels, as well as equipment failure accompanied by human error.

Looking at some of the mysteries of the triangle in a little more depth may help us figure out what happened. These incidents are straight out of a horror movie but what is truly terrifying about these accounts to me, is that they are real.

What Happened to Flight 19?

This is one of the most famous disappearances in the triangle and a prime example of the goings on.

The Bermuda Triangle, also known as The Devil's Triangle is one of the world's most famous, or now infamous locations. For centuries the unexplained mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle have captured the imagination of millions.

The Bermuda Triangle is an area of the Atlantic ocean that lies between Bermuda, Puerto Rico and Miami and covers over 500,000 square miles. This triangular shaped area is responsible for a disproportionately high number of ships and planes passing through disappearing without a trace.

Since records began in 1851 an amazing 8,127 people have been lost without a trace in the Bermuda Triangle. What makes things even more perplexing is that in the cases where vessels have been found, the crew were nowhere to be seen.

With eerie accounts of strange lights in the sky, dating back to Christopher Columbus himself, we can see why the triangle is renowned for being more than a little unnerving for all who attempt to cross it.

Are there explanations?

There have been many a potential explanation for the goings on within the triangle. One such suggestion is a heavy extraterrestrial presence in this area; many a conspiracy theorists believe that there is an alien underwater base located somewhere in the triangle.

Some say that Atlantis lies below the triangle and holds secret powers of its own, and a favourite theory of renowned scientist Stephen Hawking's is that there may be vortices here which could act as gateways to different dimensions.

Some even say that this is where the Devil walks the earth, hence the name Devil's Triangle.

Countering the paranormal and extraterrestrial, there is of course the meteorological explanations. Weather could play a massive part in the disappearance of a lot of these vessels, as well as equipment failure accompanied by human error.

Looking at some of the mysteries of the triangle in a little more depth may help us figure out what happened. These incidents are straight out of a horror movie but what is truly terrifying about these accounts to me, is that they are real.

What Happened to Flight 19?

This is one of the most famous disappearances in the triangle and a prime example of the goings on.

On December 5, 1945, five US Navy 'Avenger bombers' mysteriously vanished whilst running a routine training mission. Lieutenant Charles Taylor was in command of this squadron - he kept in constant contact via radio updating upon the mission exercises until, without warning mid-sentence, nothing was heard.

The air force quickly dispatched a rescue plane to the area which also never made it back from the Bermuda Triangle.

The US Navy reported the investigation as “cause unknown”.

What happened to the Marie Celeste?

In 1872 also on December 5th (coincidence..?) a Cargo ship left New York harbour. The number of passengers on board was 11.

The Bermuda Triangle, also known as The Devil's Triangle is one of the world's most famous, or now infamous locations. For centuries the unexplained mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle have captured the imagination of millions.

The Bermuda Triangle is an area of the Atlantic ocean that lies between Bermuda, Puerto Rico and Miami and covers over 500,000 square miles. This triangular shaped area is responsible for a disproportionately high number of ships and planes passing through disappearing without a trace.

Since records began in 1851 an amazing 8,127 people have been lost without a trace in the Bermuda Triangle. What makes things even more perplexing is that in the cases where vessels have been found, the crew were nowhere to be seen.

With eerie accounts of strange lights in the sky, dating back to Christopher Columbus himself, we can see why the triangle is renowned for being more than a little unnerving for all who attempt to cross it.

Are there explanations?

There have been many a potential explanation for the goings on within the triangle. One such suggestion is a heavy extraterrestrial presence in this area; many a conspiracy theorists believe that there is an alien underwater base located somewhere in the triangle.

Some say that Atlantis lies below the triangle and holds secret powers of its own, and a favourite theory of renowned scientist Stephen Hawking's is that there may be vortices here which could act as gateways to different dimensions.

Some even say that this is where the Devil walks the earth, hence the name Devil's Triangle.

Countering the paranormal and extraterrestrial, there is of course the meteorological explanations. Weather could play a massive part in the disappearance of a lot of these vessels, as well as equipment failure accompanied by human error.

Looking at some of the mysteries of the triangle in a little more depth may help us figure out what happened. These incidents are straight out of a horror movie but what is truly terrifying about these accounts to me, is that they are real.

What Happened to Flight 19?

This is one of the most famous disappearances in the triangle and a prime example of the goings on.

On December 5, 1945, five US Navy 'Avenger bombers' mysteriously vanished whilst running a routine training mission. Lieutenant Charles Taylor was in command of this squadron - he kept in constant contact via radio updating upon the mission exercises until, without warning mid-sentence, nothing was heard.

The air force quickly dispatched a rescue plane to the area which also never made it back from the Bermuda Triangle.

The US Navy reported the investigation as “cause unknown”.

What happened to the Marie Celeste?

In 1872 also on December 5th (coincidence..?) a Cargo ship left New York harbour. The number of passengers on board was 11.

However, she never made it to her destination. Another ship found the Marie Celeste undamaged yet adrift in the Bermuda triangle. All passengers were missing - but personal belongings were still in lockers and there was still rotten remnants of food left on plates.

The ship was also still fully loaded with cargo that negates the theory of hijack for goods.

What happened to the USS Cyclops?

The USS Cyclops was a United States collier ship that was commissioned during World War I to aid the efforts of the British Navy. The ship was sent down to Brazil to aid in the fueling of the British ships.

The Bermuda Triangle, also known as The Devil's Triangle is one of the world's most famous, or now infamous locations. For centuries the unexplained mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle have captured the imagination of millions.

The Bermuda Triangle is an area of the Atlantic ocean that lies between Bermuda, Puerto Rico and Miami and covers over 500,000 square miles. This triangular shaped area is responsible for a disproportionately high number of ships and planes passing through disappearing without a trace.

Since records began in 1851 an amazing 8,127 people have been lost without a trace in the Bermuda Triangle. What makes things even more perplexing is that in the cases where vessels have been found, the crew were nowhere to be seen.

With eerie accounts of strange lights in the sky, dating back to Christopher Columbus himself, we can see why the triangle is renowned for being more than a little unnerving for all who attempt to cross it.

Are there explanations?

There have been many a potential explanation for the goings on within the triangle. One such suggestion is a heavy extraterrestrial presence in this area; many a conspiracy theorists believe that there is an alien underwater base located somewhere in the triangle.

Some say that Atlantis lies below the triangle and holds secret powers of its own, and a favourite theory of renowned scientist Stephen Hawking's is that there may be vortices here which could act as gateways to different dimensions.

Some even say that this is where the Devil walks the earth, hence the name Devil's Triangle.

Countering the paranormal and extraterrestrial, there is of course the meteorological explanations. Weather could play a massive part in the disappearance of a lot of these vessels, as well as equipment failure accompanied by human error.

Looking at some of the mysteries of the triangle in a little more depth may help us figure out what happened. These incidents are straight out of a horror movie but what is truly terrifying about these accounts to me, is that they are real.

What Happened to Flight 19?

This is one of the most famous disappearances in the triangle and a prime example of the goings on.

On December 5, 1945, five US Navy 'Avenger bombers' mysteriously vanished whilst running a routine training mission. Lieutenant Charles Taylor was in command of this squadron - he kept in constant contact via radio updating upon the mission exercises until, without warning mid-sentence, nothing was heard.

The air force quickly dispatched a rescue plane to the area which also never made it back from the Bermuda Triangle.

The US Navy reported the investigation as “cause unknown”.

What happened to the Marie Celeste?

In 1872 also on December 5th (coincidence..?) a Cargo ship left New York harbour. The number of passengers on board was 11.

However, she never made it to her destination. Another ship found the Marie Celeste undamaged yet adrift in the Bermuda triangle. All passengers were missing - but personal belongings were still in lockers and there was still rotten remnants of food left on plates.

The ship was also still fully loaded with cargo that negates the theory of hijack for goods.

What happened to the USS Cyclops?

The USS Cyclops was a United States collier ship that was commissioned during World War I to aid the efforts of the British Navy. The ship was sent down to Brazil to aid in the fueling of the British ships.

On 4 of March 1918, she was known to have been anchored just off the coast of Barbados. This was the last time that this iron giant was ever seen or heard of again.

Records show that there was no SOS call made, no wreckage or even evidence of the ship’s existence left, let alone its demise. This is the US Navy's largest loss of life at sea. There were 306 crew aboard the ship.
It is worth noting that in 1941 - The USS Proteus and USS Nereus who were involved in bolstering the allied navy also vanished, just like the USS Cyclops previously did.
What happened to the Marine Sulphur Queen?
Marine Sulphur Queen was a T2 tanker built in 1944. In 1960, this 600 foot monster was converted into a carrier for molten sulphur.

The Bermuda Triangle, also known as The Devil's Triangle is one of the world's most famous, or now infamous locations. For centuries the unexplained mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle have captured the imagination of millions.

The Bermuda Triangle is an area of the Atlantic ocean that lies between Bermuda, Puerto Rico and Miami and covers over 500,000 square miles. This triangular shaped area is responsible for a disproportionately high number of ships and planes passing through disappearing without a trace.

Since records began in 1851 an amazing 8,127 people have been lost without a trace in the Bermuda Triangle. What makes things even more perplexing is that in the cases where vessels have been found, the crew were nowhere to be seen.

With eerie accounts of strange lights in the sky, dating back to Christopher Columbus himself, we can see why the triangle is renowned for being more than a little unnerving for all who attempt to cross it.

Are there explanations?

There have been many a potential explanation for the goings on within the triangle. One such suggestion is a heavy extraterrestrial presence in this area; many a conspiracy theorists believe that there is an alien underwater base located somewhere in the triangle.

Some say that Atlantis lies below the triangle and holds secret powers of its own, and a favourite theory of renowned scientist Stephen Hawking's is that there may be vortices here which could act as gateways to different dimensions.

Some even say that this is where the Devil walks the earth, hence the name Devil's Triangle.

Countering the paranormal and extraterrestrial, there is of course the meteorological explanations. Weather could play a massive part in the disappearance of a lot of these vessels, as well as equipment failure accompanied by human error.

Looking at some of the mysteries of the triangle in a little more depth may help us figure out what happened. These incidents are straight out of a horror movie but what is truly terrifying about these accounts to me, is that they are real.

What Happened to Flight 19?

This is one of the most famous disappearances in the triangle and a prime example of the goings on.

On December 5, 1945, five US Navy 'Avenger bombers' mysteriously vanished whilst running a routine training mission. Lieutenant Charles Taylor was in command of this squadron - he kept in constant contact via radio updating upon the mission exercises until, without warning mid-sentence, nothing was heard.

The air force quickly dispatched a rescue plane to the area which also never made it back from the Bermuda Triangle.

The US Navy reported the investigation as “cause unknown”.

What happened to the Marie Celeste?

In 1872 also on December 5th (coincidence..?) a Cargo ship left New York harbour. The number of passengers on board was 11.

However, she never made it to her destination. Another ship found the Marie Celeste undamaged yet adrift in the Bermuda triangle. All passengers were missing - but personal belongings were still in lockers and there was still rotten remnants of food left on plates.

The ship was also still fully loaded with cargo that negates the theory of hijack for goods.

What happened to the USS Cyclops?

The USS Cyclops was a United States collier ship that was commissioned during World War I to aid the efforts of the British Navy. The ship was sent down to Brazil to aid in the fueling of the British ships.

On 4 of March 1918, she was known to have been anchored just off the coast of Barbados. This was the last time that this iron giant was ever seen or heard of again.

Records show that there was no SOS call made, no wreckage or even evidence of the ship’s existence left, let alone its demise. This is the US Navy's largest loss of life at sea. There were 306 crew aboard the ship.

It is worth noting that in 1941 - The USS Proteus and USS Nereus who were involved in bolstering the allied navy also vanished, just like the USS Cyclops previously did.

What happened to the Marine Sulphur Queen?

Marine Sulphur Queen was a T2 tanker built in 1944. In 1960, this 600 foot monster was converted into a carrier for molten sulphur.

On February 2nd 1963, the Marine Sulphur Queen set out on her her ill fated journey laden with over 15000 tons of molten sulphur and 39 crew aboard.

February 4th was the last day that the world acknowledged her existence. In exactly the same vein as flight 19, after initiating a routine radio communication, the transmission mysteriously cut out mid sentence. Nothing else was ever heard or seen of this gigantic tanker again.

What happened to the Ellen Austin?

My favourite of all the unexplained mysteries and one that is certainly worthy of its own movie!

Back in 1881 - The Ellen Austin was sailing through the triangle on its way to New York when she came upon another ship that was sailing without a single crew member aboard. In an effort to transport both ships back to their destination the Ellen Austin offloaded a portion of its own crew onto the other ship.

Back in 1881 - The Ellen Austin was sailing through the triangle on its way to New York when she came upon another ship that was sailing without a single crew member aboard. In an effort to transport both ships back to their destination the Ellen Austin offloaded a portion of its own crew onto the other ship.

The Ellen Austin decided to leave a few more sailors on the ship to await a salvage ship but the salvage ship never found the her.. It had again disappeared without a trace along with its crew.

This is widely regarded as the 'real' ghost ship of the sea. A demonic trap set to capture the souls of sailors.

This was just a snippet of reported cases! Who knows what else has occurred here that we do not know about.

Even today!

There have even been reports from both British and American Navy ship alike that have both claimed to have received radio transmissions from vessels that don't exist on any of today's shipping rosters. These transmissions are coming from ships that don't exist!

These haunting trace transmissions are certainly mysterious - could they be echos of those lost ships?

The Bermuda Triangle, also known as The Devil's Triangle is one of the world's most famous, or now infamous locations. For centuries the unexplained mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle have captured the imagination of millions.

The Bermuda Triangle is an area of the Atlantic ocean that lies between Bermuda, Puerto Rico and Miami and covers over 500,000 square miles. This triangular shaped area is responsible for a disproportionately high number of ships and planes passing through disappearing without a trace.

Since records began in 1851 an amazing 8,127 people have been lost without a trace in the Bermuda Triangle. What makes things even more perplexing is that in the cases where vessels have been found, the crew were nowhere to be seen.

With eerie accounts of strange lights in the sky, dating back to Christopher Columbus himself, we can see why the triangle is renowned for being more than a little unnerving for all who attempt to cross it.

Are there explanations?

There have been many a potential explanation for the goings on within the triangle. One such suggestion is a heavy extraterrestrial presence in this area; many a conspiracy theorists believe that there is an alien underwater base located somewhere in the triangle.

Some say that Atlantis lies below the triangle and holds secret powers of its own, and a favourite theory of renowned scientist Stephen Hawking's is that there may be vortices here which could act as gateways to different dimensions.

Some even say that this is where the Devil walks the earth, hence the name Devil's Triangle.

Countering the paranormal and extraterrestrial, there is of course the meteorological explanations. Weather could play a massive part in the disappearance of a lot of these vessels, as well as equipment failure accompanied by human error.

Looking at some of the mysteries of the triangle in a little more depth may help us figure out what happened. These incidents are straight out of a horror movie but what is truly terrifying about these accounts to me, is that they are real.

What Happened to Flight 19?

This is one of the most famous disappearances in the triangle and a prime example of the goings on.

On December 5, 1945, five US Navy 'Avenger bombers' mysteriously vanished whilst running a routine training mission. Lieutenant Charles Taylor was in command of this squadron - he kept in constant contact via radio updating upon the mission exercises until, without warning mid-sentence, nothing was heard.

The air force quickly dispatched a rescue plane to the area which also never made it back from the Bermuda Triangle.

The US Navy reported the investigation as “cause unknown”.

What happened to the Marie Celeste?

In 1872 also on December 5th (coincidence..?) a Cargo ship left New York harbour. The number of passengers on board was 11.

However, she never made it to her destination. Another ship found the Marie Celeste undamaged yet adrift in the Bermuda triangle. All passengers were missing - but personal belongings were still in lockers and there was still rotten remnants of food left on plates.

The ship was also still fully loaded with cargo that negates the theory of hijack for goods.

What happened to the USS Cyclops?

The USS Cyclops was a United States collier ship that was commissioned during World War I to aid the efforts of the British Navy. The ship was sent down to Brazil to aid in the fueling of the British ships.

On 4 of March 1918, she was known to have been anchored just off the coast of Barbados. This was the last time that this iron giant was ever seen or heard of again.

Records show that there was no SOS call made, no wreckage or even evidence of the ship’s existence left, let alone its demise. This is the US Navy's largest loss of life at sea. There were 306 crew aboard the ship.

It is worth noting that in 1941 - The USS Proteus and USS Nereus who were involved in bolstering the allied navy also vanished, just like the USS Cyclops previously did.

What happened to the Marine Sulphur Queen?

Marine Sulphur Queen was a T2 tanker built in 1944. In 1960, this 600 foot monster was converted into a carrier for molten sulphur.

On February 2nd 1963, the Marine Sulphur Queen set out on her her ill fated journey laden with over 15000 tons of molten sulphur and 39 crew aboard.

February 4th was the last day that the world acknowledged her existence. In exactly the same vein as flight 19, after initiating a routine radio communication, the transmission mysteriously cut out mid sentence. Nothing else was ever heard or seen of this gigantic tanker again.

What happened to the Ellen Austin?

My favourite of all the unexplained mysteries and one that is certainly worthy of its own movie!

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Back in 1881 - The Ellen Austin was sailing through the triangle on its way to New York when she came upon another ship that was sailing without a single crew member aboard. In an effort to transport both ships back to their destination the Ellen Austin offloaded a portion of its own crew onto the other ship.

The Ellen Austin lost sight of the other ship over the horizon temporarily over the course of the journey back but all was well when they eventually caught up with the ship again that had unexpectedly dropped anchor ahead of them. When the Ellen Austen lashed up again with the ship to find out what happened, they found to their horror that their own crew had vanished and the ship was once again crewless.

The Ellen Austin decided to leave a few more sailors on the ship to await a salvage ship but the salvage ship never found the her.. It had again disappeared without a trace along with its crew.

This is widely regarded as the 'real' ghost ship of the sea. A demonic trap set to capture the souls of sailors.

This was just a snippet of reported cases! Who knows what else has occurred here that we do not know about.

Even today!

There have even been reports from both British and American Navy ship alike that have both claimed to have received radio transmissions from vessels that don't exist on any of today's shipping rosters. These transmissions are coming from ships that don't exist!

These haunting trace transmissions are certainly mysterious - could they be echos of those lost ships?

As you can see, even to this day there is many a story that we still have no answer to. Even with the best of today's technology attached to our latest battleships we are still unable to figure the meaning or origins of radio transmissions and radar pings that are occurring in the Bermuda Triangle.

Even some of the modern shipping and aviation authorities are still enforcing routes that navigate around the darker areas of the triangle.

Top 10 Advanced Car Technologies by 2020

Top 10 Advanced Car Technologies by 2020

Attending CES and the Detroit auto show over the past two weeks has my brain awash in future technology. Mercedes-Benz showed off its fully autonomous F015 Luxury in Motion concept car in Las Vegas, while Buick, Chevrolet , Hyundai, Infiniti and Volkswagen all had concepts sporting advanced features in Motown. Many of these technologies are a ways off, but others are just around the corner, or even entering showrooms right now. The rate at which technology is changing personal transportation accelerates every year, which can make predicting the arrival of future car tech a dicey proposition. Even more compelling is the increasing priority we’re seeing consumers place on automotive technology during their shopping process at Kelley Blue Book. This had me wondering — what automotive technologies will go from science fiction to commonplace in just the next 5 years. I’ve listed these below in an effort to identify the top 10 advanced car technologies we’ll see in showrooms by 2020.

1- Autonomous Vehicle — Let’s just get this one out of the way. Note I didn’t say fully autonomous vehicle. Why? Because it will take more than 5 years before a car can drive anywhere, at all times, without human oversight. But by 2020 we’ll have cars capable of being fully autonomous in certain circumstances, most likely rural interstates with minimal variables (and no inclement weather). Think early days of cruise control.

2-Driver Override Systems — This relates to autonomous technology, but it’s different because it’s the car actively disregarding your commands and making its own decisions. We’ve already got cars that will stop if you fail to apply the brakes. But by 2020 cars will apply the brakes even if the driver has the gas pedal floored. The rapid increase in sensor technology will force a shift in priority, giving the car final say — not you.

3-Biometric Vehicle Access — The switch we’ve seen in recent years from keys to keyless entry and start will be followed by a switch to key-fob-less entry and start. You’ll be able to unlock and start your car without anything more than your fingerprint (or maybe your eyeball, but fingerprint readers are more likely than retina scanners). Sound a lot like the latest form of cell phone security? It should, because it’s exactly the same concept.
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4-Comprehensive Vehicle Tracking — Insurance companies, and some state governments, are already talking about fees based on how many miles a person drives. By 2020 insurance companies will offer a reduced rate for drivers that agree to full tracking of their behavior. I’m hopeful this technology remains voluntary, but do I foresee a likely future where insurance companies will require comprehensive driver tracking? Sadly, yes.

5-Active Window Displays — Head-Up Display (HUD) technology has come a long way from the dim, washed out green digits some cars projected on their windshields 20 years ago. But as good as HUD is in 2015, by 2020 we’ll see active glass capable of displaying vibrant images. Imagine a navigation system that actually highlights the next turn (as seen from your perspective, through the windshield) as you approach it.

6-Remote Vehicle Shutdown — This technology already exists, with OnStar leveraging it regularly. In recent years the telematics company has shut down hundreds of stolen cars, ending police chases quickly and with little drama (though most drivers still don’t know it can be done, even drivers with OnStar…). By 2020 remote vehicle shutdown will enter the social consciousness, negatively impacting nightly news ratings everywhere.

7-Active Health Monitoring — Ford Motor F -0.30% Company has previewed the idea of seatbelt or steering wheel sensors that track vital statistics, though the rapid development of wearable technology means most cars will just wirelessly pair with these devices (think cell phone for your body). Combine this with basic autonomous technology and you’ve got a car that can pull over and call paramedics when the driver has a heart attack.

8-Four-Cylinder Supercar — Ford just showed an all-new GT supercar using a twin-turbo V6. While it may rub traditional performance enthusiasts the wrong way, a lightweight V6 making over 600 horsepower will offer world-beating performance, especially if it’s got a light, carbon-fiber body to pull around. By 2020 we’ll see the first full-fledged, 200-plus mph supercar with a four-cylinder engine (cubic inches be damned).

9-Smart/Personalized In-Car Marketing — You’re already getting Facebook, Twitter and Gmail ads based on your behavior. By 2020 the average car will be fully connected to the internet, meaning your vehicle will provide marketers with a powerful set of metrics to customize their message. Hopefully these will manifest as an opt-in feature, but get ready for personalized, location-based ads in your car’s display.

10-Reconfigurable Body Panels — The small SUV category is seeing increased demand these days, while truck sales grow by leaps and bounds. What if you could have both vehicle types in one car? Imagine an SUV with lightweight body panels and advanced motors that retract the roof and side glass into the lower body panels. Now throw in Chrysler minivan stow-and-go seat design and BAM! A truck and SUV in one vehicle. It could happen.


Types of Spiders & Spider Facts
All spiders are predatory eight-legged creatures that have organs to spin silk at the back ends of their bodies. They are the largest part of the Arachnid family, a group that also includes scorpions and ticks. Spiders all have the ability to bite with venom-injecting fangs to kill prey and nearly all of them are poisonous (even if it's just a little).
There are about 40,000 types of spiders in the world, living on every continent except Antarctica. And they're not newbies: fossilized spiders have been found in Carboniferous rocks dating back 318 million years.
Spider anatomy
Spiders have two body segments, the abdomen and the cephalothorax. The first, or front part, is the cephalothorax, which is formed by the fusing of the head and thorax, according to Jo-Anne Nina Sewlal, an arachnologist at the University of the West Indies in Trinidad. The cephalothorax contains the eyes, mouth and legs.
The mouth has several parts. The spider's jaws, called the chelicerae, are tipped with fangs, according to entomologists at the University of Kentucky. These appendages are used to hold prey while the spider injects venom. Behind the jaws are the labium and labrum, which work together to direct food into the spider's mouth.
Between the chelicerae and the first pair of legs are the pedipalps, which look like tiny legs but are actually similar to antennae, and are used to sense objects the spider encounters, Sewlal said. However, "they are used by some species in prey capture and feeding as well as in shaping their webs."
Pedipalps are also used in mating and are a good way to tell males and females apart. "The tips in males are enlarged as they are used to transfer sperm to the female, while in the female, the tips of the pedipalps remain undifferentiated," Sewlal said.
Most spiders have six or eight eyes, according to the University of Kentucky. Some spiders can only see the difference between light and shadow. Their eyes are considered "simple," as they don't have compound lenses as some insects do.
A spider's abdomen is where most of its important internal organs are located, such as the reproductive system, lungs and digestive tract. Also on the abdomen are the spinnerets, through which a spider produces its silken web.
Spider webs
Spider silk is made of strong strands of protein. It is the strongest-known natural fiber, according to the San Diego Zoo. Its tensile strength — the greatest stress a material will tolerate before breaking — is greater than bone and half the strength of steel.
According to the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History, individual species can produce up to seven distinct types of silk, each with a specialized function. Some spiders use their webs to trap prey; others line their burrows with it.
Spiders are grouped according to the type of web they make, according to the San Diego Zoo. Groups include tangle-web spiders, orb-web spiders, funnel-web spiders and nursery-web spiders.
According to the Australian Museum, spiders capture prey using a variety of methods. They can trap small insects in sticky webs, lasso them with sticky bolas, or use their vibration-sensing skills to chase prey down. Spider guts are too narrow to take solids, so they liquidize their food by flooding it with digestive enzymes and grinding it up with short appendages.
Spider bites
Even though all spiders can bite, most of them do no more harm to a human than a bee sting or a mosquito bite. Most spiders with a life-threatening bite are quite shy and attack only when they feel threatened. According to Spider Physiology and Behaviour, Volume 41 (Advances in Insect Physiology), there were only about 100 deaths from spider bites during the 20th century.
According to Sewlal, spider venoms work on one of two fundamental principles: they either attack the nervous system with neurotoxic venom, or attack tissues around the bite with necrotic venom. Sewlal explained that neurotoxic venom works in two ways: by overstimulating "the production of the neurotransmitters ... which can cause the entire nervous system to become paralyzed," and by blocking "nerve impulses to the muscles. This has the result of causing the muscles to cramp and become rigid. It also has the effect of disrupting many bodily functions." Necrotic venom works by causing "the tissue around the bite to die."
Researchers are investigating novel uses for spider venom, from an eco-friendly (and bee-friendly) alternative to pesticides, to treatments for Alzheimer’s disease, cardiac arrhythmia and strokes. In addition, spider silk has lots of engineering uses, from body armor to optical communications.
Humans have long had a tumultuous relationship with the eight-legged critters. Arachnophobia, or fear of spiders, is one of the most common phobias. Some statistics show that 50 percent of women and 16 percent of men have this phobia, according to The Wall Street Journal.
According to Mentally Healthy, evolutionary biologists surmise that a modern fear of spiders may be an exaggerated form of an instinctive response that helped early humans to survive. Other scholars think that fear of spiders began in the Middle Ages, when spiders became a cultural scapegoat for inexplicable epidemics of the time, like the plague.
According to the Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS), thetaxonomy of spiders is:

Can you imagine yourself holding this tarantula?
Credit: Shane Wilson Link | Shutterstock
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• Kingdom: Animalia
• Subkingdom: Bilateria
• Infrakingdom: Protostomia
• Superphylum: Ecdysozoa
• Phylum: Arthropoda
• Subphylum: Chelicerata
• Class: Arachnida
• Order: Araneae
According to Sewlal, spiders can be divided into two suborders: Mesotelae and Opisthothelae, which contains the infraorders Mygalomorphae and Araneomorphae.
Mesothelae: "The suborder Mesothelae contains only one family, Liphistiidae," Sewlal said. "The members of this family are quite distinctive from all other spiders." She explained that the Mesothelae suborder is so named because its members have their spinnerets located on the middle of the abdomen, on their underside. According to the Australian Museum, these are "primitive spiders"; "modern" spiders have spinnerets toward the back of their abdomens. They also have abdomens segmented similarly to scorpions, Sewlal said.
These small, light spiders reside in Southeast Asia, China and Japan. Though scientists previously thought they lacked venom glands, new research has shown that they do have them.
Opisthothelae: These spiders have spinnerets at the posterior of their abdomens, Sewlal said. She offered some advice on how to distinguish between the infraorders Mygalomorphae and Araneomorphae: Look at the position of the chelicerae. "Araneomorphs have chelicerae where the tips crisscross each other, while mygalomorphs have chelicerae that point downwards like that of the typical vampire and move in the vertical plane." Their book lungs — respiratory organs so named because their thin membranes resemble pages in a book — are also different. "Mygalomorph spiders also have two pairs of book lungs while araneomorph spiders have one pair of book lungs or no book lungs at all."
Here are some other features of the two infraorders.
Mygalomorphae: According to, these spiders are generally heavily built and hairy, like tarantulas. They live in burrows, and can prey on creatures as large as frogs, lizards and snails. A few species build webs, but it is not very common. Although most spiders live for at most two years, many mygalomorphae spiders can live up to 25 years in captivity. This type of spider includes the huge goliath birdeater, which can grow up to 1 foot in body length, according to the Conservation Institute.
Araneomorphae: These are the most common of spiders, making up more than 90 percent of all the species, according to Biology of Spiders. Some of the most interesting species include the only known vegetarian spider, the Bagheera kiplingi, as well as the most venomous spider, the Brazilian wandering spider. Scientists have found that the spider needs to inject only 6 micrograms of its venom to kill a 20-gram (0.7 ounces) mouse, and a full venom load is more than 10 times that.

How to Make Easy Money

How to Make Easy Money
((Please read this article for the high concentration of extreme importance))
Are you looking to make money with little to no work, and as quick as possible? Have no fear - doing so is easy! Look into selling products or services, picking up odd jobs, and other miscellaneous tasks as ways of getting cash quick.
Method 1
Exploring Your Options
1. 1
Sell your old stuff. There are a variety of ways to turn the things you don’t use into cash, including:
• Hosting a Yard Sale
• Sanding, staining/painting and cleaning old furniture to sell at antique stores or pawn shops for a profit.
• Selling old things through eBay or Craigslist.
• Selling old clothes at a second-hand shop.
• Selling books, CDs, and games to specialty stores and media outlets like FYE or Best Buy.
2 Sign up for paid surveys. While they rarely pay more than $5-10 apiece, you can complete a lot of them to earn a quick profit. Explore sites like:
• OpinionOutpost
• SurveySavvy
• SurveySpot
• Valued Opinions.

Make money off of your body (for science). There are a variety of ways to make some money off your flesh and blood, including:
• Sign up for clinical research trials.
• Selling plasma.
• Selling sperm.
• Selling eggs
Do other people's chores for quick cash. The explosion of the internet has made it possible for you to sign up for a variety of low-commitment jobs to make some extra money. Unfortunately, these services may only be available in big cities. You can:
• Drive for Uber or Lyft.
• Shop for people with Instacart or Postmates
• Babysit and watch pets or houses with UrbanSitter, DogVaca, or
• Tutor with Wyzant, Istaedu, or
Rent out a room of your house. Again, the sharing economy made possible by the internet is making even easier to make a quick buck online. Try out:
• AirBnB
• HomeAway
• FlipKey
• OneFineStay
Become an online freelancer. You can write or edit, or simply complete menial tasks that machines struggle with. The pay is low, but the work is steady and you can log on whenever you want. You can do everything from writing and editing to mock trials. Try out:
• Writing: eLance, iWriter, WritersDomain
• Odd Jobs: Amazon's Mechanical Turk program.
• Mock Trials:eJury,
• Virtual Assistant:, Zirtual
Sign up for credit cards or accounts with bonuses. You never want to open accounts just to open them, but this can be a great way to get a quick infusion of cash. Note that many cards require a minimum purchase limit before you get your bonus, however.
• If you card offers cash back, use it for everything, then pay it off online as soon as you get home to avoid interest payments.
Method 2
Selling Your Things

Sell your things to local stores. There are many stores, local and chain, who buy products from the public at a reduced rate and then resell them in their stores. Sort through your home to find things you no longer need, want, or use and make a visit to these stores in your area.
• If you consider yourself quite the avid reader with a library to match, consider sorting through your archives to find old books you no longer want. Books in good condition can be bought for several dollars apiece at used-bookstores.
• Clothing is something everybody has, and often something we have too much of. If your wardrobe is overflowing with clothes, take a pass through and find the things that you can’t fit or aren’t in style anymore. You will get the best price for clothing that doesn’t have holes, stains, or wear-and-tear.
• If your library is full of music rather than books, consider selling some of your CDs. CDs with their cases intact and without scratches or blemish can be sold for a few dollars each. Find a local music or record store in your area and see if they buy used CDs.
• If gaming is your thing, try sorting through all your old video games. Many video game stores will take your used games if they are brought without any scratches or blemishes in the original case. Although you may only get a fraction of the price you originally bought the games for, making a few dollars on something you no longer use is better than nothing.
• Try taking miscellaneous things to a local pawnshop. This allows you to resell anything from a blender you never used to your old motorcycle jacket
Sell your things directly. If you would rather be responsible for selling what you own instead of taking it to a store, consider having a garage sale or advertising your items online. Although these involve much more planning than simply making a drop-off at your favorite secondhand store, you can make much more money by doing the work yourself.
• Throw your own yard or garage sale. At most, you can expect a brand-new item to sell for 50% of it’s original price, but you will be making money back on something you’re not currently using. Be sure to plan ahead by placing ads in your local newspaper and putting up signs for your sale on nearby busy streets with directions.
• Place big-ticket items on sites like Craigslist or eBay to advertise to a wider audience. If you have something worth a lot more money than just some used clothes and garage tools, then open an ad for it online. Craigslist is a great option for selling something right away to locals without the hassle of shipping it across country.

Sell bodily materials. Now, as strange as that may sound, you can actually sell parts of your body for a lot of money. We’re not talking organs, but rather things like plasma, genetic material, and long hair.
• If you hair is long (over ten inches) and in good health, consider cutting it off and selling it to a company that makes wigs. Untreated hair that has never been colored or relaxed gets the best price, especially if it is a unique color or texture. The longer your hair is, the more money you can make off of it!
• Sell your plasma at a local blood bank. Plasma is a part of your blood that is given in infusions to patients with certain medical disorders. You can donate your plasma multiple times over a few weeks, and earn on average $50 per donation.
• Sell your sperm. Although not every guy is comfortable with giving up his genetic material to strangers, if you are short on cash and willing to help some unknown couple have a baby then sell your sperm. You can earn up to $100 per visit.
• Sell your eggs. This is much more timely than selling sperm, but for any ladies who want to make a lot of money and don’t mind selling their eggs, you can earn up to $10,000 for a single treatment. The process of selling eggs takes several weeks of injections and a minor outpatient procedure, and may be slightly uncomfortable. The upside is that you make a lot of money in a relatively short amount of time

Sell metal. This could range from your old jewelry to a pile of scrap metal in the backyard. Metal gets a good price, and is rather easy to find if you are looking for the cheap stuff.
• Gold is being bought at an all-time high right now - $1,350 per solid 24 karat ounce. Although most the gold in jewelry isn’t such high quality, you could certainly make a few hundred dollars by selling some old rings or bracelets you never wear.[8]
• Scrap metal is a great way to make money that most people don’t necessarily think of. If you have an old car, boat, RV, or building with unnecessary metal, then consider taking it apart and selling it to a local scrap metal shop. You could make several hundred, or thousand, dollars on metal parts you may have just left to rust.
• Whenever you throw a party, gather all the metal cans afterwards. These can be sold to scrap metal shops for around 70 cents per pound (about 32 cans). You’re not only being green by recycling trash, but making a few bucks in the process as well.
• Salvage old scrap metal from nearby abandoned warehouses and through dumpster diving. You may also be able to buy old metal in the form of cars or boats for cheaper than you would get paid to sell the metal

Sell something you make. Are you an excellent baker? An artist? A gardener? A carpenter? Then take your handmade goods to market! This doesn’t necessarily mean that your only option is to sell at a local farmers market. For a true artisan, there are many ways to sell your wares.
• Try opening a shop with an online marketplace such as Etsy or eBay. These allow you to advertise your products, give brief descriptions, and promote your items around their sites. Etsy is becoming a massively successful place for unique handcrafted goods sold at high prices.
• Bring things you make to a local holiday bazaar, fair, or market. The people who attend these places go specifically to see the amazing products people make themselves, so the audience is already tailored for you. Some of these places may require you to pay a fee to rent a booth, but you may be able to get a selling space for free.
• Advertise your products to local offices and boutiques. Visit places where you might find a product similar to what you make, and ask to sell your goods there. Many local business owners are happy to support a fellow businessman by showcasing or selling their products.

Sell space on your website. Are you the proud owner of a blog or website? Then consider selling ad space in the open columns of your pages. You can sign up with different affiliate links which provide ad space for major third party vendors. Then, you get paid a percentage of the amount of sales that are made through your page. The best way to make a lot of money in this fashion is to keep traffic on your website or blog high by keeping posts frequent and interesting

Rent some of your space. If you have a spare bedroom, basement, or parking spot on a busy street, consider renting it out. You are in charge of the renting process, so if at any point in time it doesn’t seem to be working out for you, then you are free to cancel the agreement.
• If you decide to rent part of your house, make sure you write up a lease and have all your paperwork and licensing in order. This will help you to avoid accidents with renters or the government.
• Try advertising an extra parking space to your neighbors who may need room for multiple cars. Look at monthly rates in the area for parking to gauge how much you should be charging in order to be fair.

Sell stock photos. Stock photos are simple, somewhat nondescript images that people can use for a fee in the articles, brochures, presentations, etc. They don’t earn much apiece, but if you upload a nice little collection, the sales can really add up – especially since photos can be sold over and over. Best of all, it doesn’t get much easier than clicking off a few decent shots, uploading them, and waiting.
Metod 3
Getting an Odd Job
Try “sitting” for your neighbors. Although it’s easy to associate babysitting as a job for thirteen year old girls, it is actually a fast and easy way to make money. Sitting doesn’t stop at children though, and can expand to include houses, pets, and gardens as well. Advertise your sitting services at nearby bulletin boards and around your neighborhood to increase the likelihood of getting hired.
• Pet sitting or dog walking is a great way to earn money if you’re an animal-lover. When your friends, family, or neighbors head out on vacation, offer to take care of their pets for a low fee. This will help them out, and give you an easy opportunity to earn cash doing something you love.
• House sitting is possibly the best of the “sitting” types of jobs. You get paid to stay in someone’s home and make sure there are no break-ins or accidents during a family’s time away on vacation or business. Although you may only have to make daily check-ins, this is an exceedingly easy way to earn a lot of money.

Do odds and ends jobs. Everyone has small tasks that they need done, whether it be cleaning the gutters, detailing their car, or deep-cleaning the house, there are plenty of tasks and chores to do. Advertise your services to friends and family who would be willing to have you do their least favorite chores at a small rate.

Do odds and ends jobs. Everyone has small tasks that they need done, whether it be cleaning the gutters, detailing their car, or deep-cleaning the house, there are plenty of tasks and chores to do. Advertise your services to friends and family who would be willing to have you do their least favorite chores at a small rate.

Become a mystery shopper. A mystery shopper is a person who is paid to secretly visit stores and restaurants and report back about the visit in an online survey afterwards. You get paid about $10 on average per store, for a brief 10-15 minute run-in.
• The Mystery Shoppers Providers Association regulates the third parties that are hired, so visiting their site can give you access to some safe mystery shopper programs.
• If you are required to purchase something - food or clothing typically - you will be reimbursed for that item after completing the online survey.

Work for ChaCha. ChaCha is a phone service which anyone can text or call to ask any question they could possibly have. As a worker, it is your job to choose an area which you feel you know a lot about, and research and send back answers as quickly as you can.
• Before being hired as a worker, you have to take a test to make sure you are compatible with their system and are able to perform the required tasks.
• ChaCha workers are paid between $3-$9 an hour, with no minimum hours of work required. You simply sign into their site whenever you want to work, and do as much work as you would like.

Get a job as an umpire or referee. Do you love sports? Then read up on your favorite game’s rules and get paid to ref! For around $15 per hour-long game, you will get a little bit of extra cash for participating in your favorite sports. Make sure you are clear on the rules though, as you may have to deal with unhappy players if you make a bad call by accident.
Get a job as a temp worker. Businesses often need temporary employees, so offer your services up to a temp agency. Although this might not be the quickest way to earn cash, the jobs are easy because you won’t have time to be trained in elaborate tasks.
• Become a virtual assistant. If you have administrative experience and would like an opportunity to work from home, look into virtual assisting jobs at a site like or It may take about a week to be processed, but the work is extremely convenient for stay-at-home parents or for filling in the gaps of a part-time schedule.
• Get a seasonal job. Many businesses and stores get extra busy at certain times of the year depending on the services they provide. Get a job that lasts a few weeks or months for a local store or office that has a busy season coming up.

Work for special events. Many businesses need people for short periods to advertise or work for special conventions. You may be paid to stand on the street holding a sign, or to give out free samples of certain products at the mall. Typically the wages are hourly and are on a very short-term basis of a few days or weeks.

Try a mechanical turk program. This is an online job where you are assigned a simple task which is difficult for a computer to manage. These are mundane, repetitive, but incredibly basic jobs that you work at will. Typically payment is in cents per job, so although the tasks are easy you have to put in a lot of time to make much money.
• Amazon offers a mechanical turk program that deposits straight into your Amazon account, but can be withdrawn as cash after you reach the $10 mark.
• You get to choose which job you want to do from a list of needs, but keep in mind that these jobs can be very boring. Have perseverance and you can make a bit of money in a week of work!
Get a newspaper route. Although this job is best for early birds, if you are willing to wake up in the wee hours of the morn, you can make up to $10,000 a year just delivering newspapers! The best part is, because of the hours you don’t have to worry about your paper route conflicting with your regular work or school schedule.
Method 4
Making Money Other Ways

Try online surveys. Reputed online survey sites pay $5-$10 per survey. You could supplement your income by just taking one or two surveys per day.

Be part of a study. Universities, researchers, and pharmaceutical companies are in constant need of participants for studies. Depending on the study, you could be paid up to several hundred dollars! Most studies are looking for people who are in good health, although some have poor-health criteria they need participants to fill.
• Visit the websites of local universities or the department of health to find out what studies are being conducted near you.
• Participate in the NASA sleep study. This requires you to stay in one of their beds for three months straight with minimal physical activity. The payment for this study in particular is a whopping $10,000! Although the payment is due after months of forced bed rest.
• Participating in medical studies always puts you at risk for certain side-effects, although these are always very unlikely

Give your opinions. Companies want to hear what the general public thinks of the services or products they provide. To find out these opinions, many give online surveys which anyone can take and subsequently be paid for.
• Try visiting, which gives dozens of different surveys to take, each being worth a few dollars.
• Join a focus group. These may be online or in-person, and require you to give feedback on a particular product or idea. You may be paid a few dollars, or up to a hundred depending on the time and effort needed for your group activity.

Find sign-up incentives. If you were thinking about switching bank accounts, getting a new credit card, or recommending a company you like to a friend, for example, shop around for cash-back bonuses before making your decision.

Advertise for companies. Businesses and corporations want their products and services to reach as many people as possible. To do this, they employ the services of everyday citizens to spread their word for them. You may be asked to advertise for them online or in-person.
• Have your car wrapped in advertisements. Depending on the product or service, you may be required to have the wrap placed on your car for several months or years. This, however, adds up to hundreds of dollars over time. Removing the wrap when you’re finished does no damage to you car.
• Sell your status updates for your Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook accounts. You will be given your choice of certain advertisements that will show up as a status update posted by you on your favorite online social media. You get paid more for the number of ads you post and followers you have. Visit for some introductory advertisements
Volunteer time at a food co-op. Many cities have local food co-ops in which the workers are volunteer only. What’s the plus side of volunteering then? You will often be given free groceries and food in exchange for your work services. This is essentially money paying for groceries you would have to buy anyway!

Make money via your smartphone. Apps like Field Agent, CheckPoints, WeReward, MyLikes, and Gigwalk allow you to complete small tasks (anything from snapping a photo of yourself at a cafe to scanning a barcode) for a few dollars. These are great ways to make money while you’re out to lunch or going about your grocery shopping.

Search for unclaimed money or property. Go to to be linked to the official pages of US states or Canadian provinces you have lived in, then follow the instructions to search for and, if necessary, claim funds owed to you. If you ever had a deposit or check that went unclaimed because you couldn’t be found, this is the place to go.