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Wear a devil or spirits or ( jinn) for humans: fact or fiction

Wear a devil or spirits (or gin or jinn) for humans: fact or fiction

Gin hidden world of so many legends woven around it and I think that the jinn may live human body ... So what is the truth about this matter? Let's read ...

It's a strange world, interesting and full of mysteries, it's a scary world for some and ridiculous than others, it is the world of the jinn who exploited by some people to mislead others that jinn live inside them and they have the ability to talk to him and his call for Islam and take it out ... but refused to be burning genie or hit him or punish him. .. but what a high price due to the genie lives again and repeated the problem and the patient remains in a conflict between the processor and the genie ... the patient may sometimes prefer to live with the genie that goes back to the processor because of physical or psychological abuse ...

Facts from the Qur'an and Modern Science

There is still no so-called world of gin as the point of view of modern science, but the Koran confirms the fact that the existence of the jinn and they are like humans reproduce whom the believer and unbeliever, including interest and unjust ... But God hid the secret of this world from us to the wisdom is to teach.

To believe the existence of the jinn is not a requirement that scientists discovered that many of the secrets of the universe yet to be discovered with the knowledge that it exists, and at the same time can not be for science to provide proof of the lack of gin or denies the existence of organisms live with us ... The science has not discovered the world of bacteria and viruses, but newly knowing that these objects are found by human millions of years.

Perhaps scientists reveals the truth about the jinn in the future, God wanted it, and meantime we try to put a logical perception of this world are based on the Qur'an and Sunnah. The Koran does not talk about entering the jinn in the bodies of humans, but also tells us that the jinn creatures like us, have been ordered not interested in a lot may be peaceful and harmless at all .. but there is a part of the wide world of gin, a devil who is the enemy of human beings.

This devil has a specific task to seduce people and lead them towards the delusion to be with him in the fire Doomsday ... invite them to obscene and disbelief and atheism, but has no control over the minimum insured, but his control over who is believed him!

When you think that the devil is able to hurt you or to enter into your body, or is able to be of terror ... it has already achieved, not only because of the extraordinary capabilities of the demon, but because of the illusions that planted in your mind, of course, fueled by Devil's bad ideas and fears God Almighty says: (but Such is the devil frightens close friends do not fear them and Khavon if you are believers) [Al-Imran: 175]. These are the limits of Satan's ability to intimidate close friends who believe it but God warns us of the danger and commands us to be afraid of it all and to link it with faith (and Khavon if you are believers) solution is the power of faith.

The fact the Qur'an and therapists doing therapy

Many people suffering from psychological problems do not doubt that the devil has a big role in exacerbating and complexity defies even the doctors, but the problem in the wrong treatment. The cure the Koran is the best way to get rid of mental illness, but not the way some therapists but on the way the prophet Mohammed peace be upon him.

A vanity prophetic fragrant do not remember us that the Prophet was coming out of the bodies of his companions, Gin! It was not God bless him and spends his time reading the Koran on the sick, and did not know of the sayings of the Holy Prophet, but very few things about the incidents he read the Prophet Koran or called for specific prayer of the one of the companions of the healing of the disease, and was often his companions knew that read the Koran for themselves or keep pray for him to treat themselves, mainly because the Quran was revealed to read it on ourselves and not on others!

There is no profession in Islam whose names processor Koran! But a teacher of the Koran teaches people how to memorize the Koran and Esicvo it and apply what it says Prophet, peace be upon him, this is the intended treatment Qur'an.

Cases are cured by therapists sincerely

We do not deny that many cases are cured with the help of therapists who are faithful worship God and seek behind this work the face of God, and such (they are few) provide great services and are on their hands guiding many to Islam and thanks to the Holy treatment of many of these patients became committed to the teachings of the Koran ...

But the warning of those who do this work without knowledge, and they desire a presentation of the life of the world and are characterized by a lie often and love interest, and claim they can cure ... In fact, we wish them to adhere to the Book of Allah and are working to teach people to read the Koran and Allah will take their livelihood in terms of not counted. And to be ho-hum guide people and not just treatment.

The interpretation of the word of gin on the lips of the patient

Wizard started with recitation of Quranic verses on the patient and the patient began to surrender to the processor where ordering him to talk with him on the lips of taking lives inside, put the patient in his thinking that he already possessed by a jinn elves and dwell in it, and this processor will help him get rid of it.

The psychological state of the patient in the long struggle with the disease, weakened and made him resort to any means to get rid of tragedy, this situation led to believe that Jane lives in it, and should get rid of him, and this feeling is part of the solution to the problem, and therefore the patient seeks to talk with a therapist and assume personal genie .. knowing that there is no justification for the committee that lives in the human being, this gin has concerns and has his own life and he has a conflict with his colleagues from the jinn just like the human world.

Therefore spread is usually directed by the jinn among the peoples of the world since the old and practiced by all religious communities, where they are exploiting people's ignorance world of jinn, connecting all the events of witchcraft, connectivity and contract and touch ... Although we do not deny some cases in which Satan controlled them on the patient, but not to the extent that He lives in his body, but are just whispers and fantasies and illusions go once you think that the gin does not have the ability to enter into the bodies of people.

Do jinn can live within the human being?

There is no evidence from the Qur'an and Sunnah on the entry of gin to humans and they stay for a long time, but evidence found that the devil has the ability to seduce people and whispering to them and intimidate them and control all the non-believers who thought the ability of gin on everything ... and may reach limit involvement in God Almighty, who We ordered us not be afraid of anyone except God!

Some charlatans trying to fabricate pictures and call it real and say it is a photo-taking or a ghost or spirit of so and so many people ... All this does not guide him from the scientific point of view, and no proof of any image scientifically yet, and so the scientists emphasize that no one could see the jinn . This fact was confirmed by the Koran, saying the Almighty that all the elves and demons: (he is accumulating tribe in terms of not making us see them unto devils parents of those who do not believe) [custom: 27]. Thus verse decide an established fact that the jinn can not characterize the believer, but also controls the infidel, which is being handled and believed it.

Illusions should be discarded

Knowledge and diagnose the disease properly is half the cure, so misdiagnosis leads to the wrong remedy always. For both believed to be charmed or possessed or that someone worked him a job as to cause a nuisance or a jinn haunt him or that anyone is able to prevent him from marrying or living or having children ... all this is misconception because everything is in God's hands and God alone is capable to harm you or benefit you.

Beloved brother hopes this great verse and taken a slogan for you in your life, especially this dark era, the Almighty says: (And God touches you affliction, none can remove it but is even restore you okay there rad to the bounty affects him whom He will of His slaves He Forgiving, the Merciful) [Yunus: 107] . Valdhar However, God does not reveal, but it is, and his hand-win Almighty does not stop him one without him ... This is the first step on the road to recovery.

The process of healing the steps of the most serious diseases

The Qur'an is the shortest path to heal, but how? That God deposited in the words of the Koran secrets and great healing power provided to listen to the Quran in humility for a long time and are affected by this talk and interact with him and apply what is in it. Almighty God commands us to NPR parents to the point of groveling to them, he said: (And lower to them the wing of submission and humility through mercy, and say Lord has decreed that you worship none small) [Isra: 24]. How can you imagine that God Sishvik and you disobey your parents and violates God's command ??!

God Almighty says: (come not near adultery that was obscene and an evil way.) [Isra: 32]. How God Sishvik and you look at the taboo and occupy your time with songs, movies and soap operas and away from the Koran so much in your life ?!

Mark your priority is to please God and the Koran, it was his main concern Koran suffice God's other concerns, and tried to deepen in the recitation of the Quran and understand its meaning and to live with Joe Koran, which takes you into the world of the afterlife and after death, and thus relax and forget your worries and problems.

You never believe that jinn can Atalpsk or dwells in you or affect you, because God Almighty said: (The servants you shall have no authority except from follow you from the evildoers) [Stone: 42], and God truer than those who Ykhovonk of gin. Since God addressed the devil and said to him: (Ebadi you shall have no authority), it means that the devil and the jinn can not influence the insured, but their influence only on those who thought the world of jinn and is afraid of them, so he says: (but the devil. That is frightens close friends there Khavon fear them and if you are believers) [Al-Imran: 175].

Psychologists have revealed many diseases and psychological disorders of human exposure because of the difficult conditions experienced or because of pressure not borne or because of weak faith and dissatisfaction in God Almighty. And many of these diseases, such as depression, anxiety and schizophrenia ... and such diseases suffered by many people, and the easiest thing for people to think Btalps gin.

When doctors fail to identify the type of disease and hard on them treatment, the patient will resort to the processor ruqyah not a problem in the Spell or healing the Koran, but the problem in some therapists who have taken this profession and a means for quick gain on the ignorance of them Vidiloa and deceive.

Therefore, we recommend that you be able to resort to a healing God, as Abraham, peace be upon him said: (If he got sick Ishvin) [Poets: 80]. And ask for the healing of God says: (And We send down from the Qur'an which is a healing and a mercy for believers and not more than the oppressors only ruin) [Isra: 82].

If you want to be a healing of the Koran it should be the Koran is the most important book in your life, and that your job is a concern of the Qur'an, and the Qur'an it becomes your life and your future and your pleasure and convenience ... and thus will be when it heal you, God willing.

research results

1. science did not prove that the jinn live inside humans, as well as the Sunnah, as well as the Koran. Knowing that we believe there is a wide world around us from the jinn see us and affects us sometimes when they lose sight of Allah, the Almighty says: (O Children of Adam does not Evtnnkm Satan also directed Obojkm of paradise tends them to Bashma to Arehma Soathma that accumulates is a tribe where not see them unto us devils guardians for those who do not believe) [custom: 27].

This verse very clear Tnhana believing the influence of demons, and confirms that their influence extends only to those who do not believe in, knowing that the insurer may be affected slightly, but it quickly back and remember the word of God and get rid of only a few minutes from the influence of Satan. This is confirmed by the verse: (Those who fear if touched by visitation from Satan remember if they Mbesron) [custom: 201].

2. Seeking refuge from Satan hr shortest route to get rid of illusions and its impact, and we recommend repeating this seven times to seek refuge because of the figure of influence in the world of gin, and a formula isti'aadhah are: (say the Lord your refuge from the Bibliography demons * and leave your employer to attend) [Believers: 97-98].

3. Anyone who believes that Gin knows the unseen, he is mistaken, because the prescience of the jurisdiction of God, and this flag granted only to some of the messengers as proof of the sincerity of their message. Allah says in the story of Prophet Sulaiman peace be upon him, and after his death the jinn did not discover that he died and have been working for long periods until another on the ground, they taught they do not know the unseen knowing that Prophet Solomon was in front of them rather than away from them (when another proved jinn that if they knew the unseen what stayed in their humiliating punishment) [Saba: 14].

4. One may say: How genie speaks on the tongue of the patient during the recitation of the Koran it? This phenomenon is caused by the patient believes there reap inhabited, comes the wizard to reinforce that belief becomes a reality for the patient. As we know from the principles of psychology to who suffers from schizophrenia personal or something like that imagines several characters inhabited, and tries to prove himself true it speaks with a therapist or with himself or with those around him and when asked to say that the genie is the one who speaks and it is not.

5. warn every brother believer and sister insured believe the impact of the jinn, or dealing with the charlatans, where we find it deals with gin from the infidels, through disobedience to God and disbelief and heresy and committing indecencies ... Therefore He says: (And it was men from mankind Aaodhun men of the jinn Vzarrohm Rehgha) [Gin: 6]. Once it comes from tells you that it deals with the jinn know that this verse apply to him.

6. The belief influence of Satan or Jinn leads to depression, poverty and commit sins and indecencies, and treatment to resort to God and believes that God is capable of that will benefit you and give you the great virtues, and therefore the Almighty says: (Satan promises you poverty and orders you to commit immoral God promises you forgiveness from him and as well as God large-Aleem) [Al-Baqarah: 268].

7. The problem is that some therapists explain the error Quranic verse, the Almighty says: (who devour usury will not only as the person beaten by Satan Touch) [Al-Baqarah: 275]. Here to touch an infidel who commits a sin and immorality does not pray and does not mention God, such is controlled by the devil and affect him severely affected. The way to get rid of it is faith in God and leave the immorality and sin.

The insurer is not this verse apply to him, and sometimes human weaken and affect him the devil as a result of disease, for example, as happened with the Prophet Ayoub peace be upon him when he said (and remember Our servant Job as his Lord called I touched me the devil erect and torment) [p. 41]. Touch here is not to enter the devil in the body of the prophet, but his influence him because of the severity of the disease, and therefore resorted Prophet Ayyub to Allah Almighty and did not resort to a human, and this is what we should do when we are exposed to the plight of illness or psychological problem, to resort directly to God come.

8. What was received from the sayings of the Prophet are correct on the subject of the jinn do not indicate from near and far to the entry of the jinn in the human body, there is talk Sharif, the Prophet, peace be upon him says: (The devil being the son of Adam bloodstream) This does not mean that lives and lives, but it means that the devil strong impact on the human to the extent that such haunting human bloodstream. But the big impact will be on the infidel and an atheist, and the perpetrator of the major sins and ingrate to his parents and riba ...

Finally we draw advice both suffering from a psychological problem that leaves doctors because modern medicine has failed to cure many diseases and psychological treatment depends on narcotic drugs often. Also beware of resorting to processor ruqyah only after they make sure that fears God and will advise you and tells you the solution.

The shortest route to go directly mentioning and pray and seek forgiveness, prayer and the night and listen to the Quran and do good deeds and charity honoring his parents and good manners to God ... this is the best treatment for any psychological or physical, physical or social problem.

We say to those who suffer from mental problem .. I know once you read Almaoztin and verse chair and Fatiha seven times and establish prayer and maintain its purity and ablutions, and the healing is happening, this is a psychological disorder and the relationship of the Committee with what is happening, and this quick recipe for both suffer from the problem psychological.

If you do not pray and remember God does not purify herself does not taper your parents and committed sins ... the devil Salazemk controlled by you and cause you worries and troubles and treatment is not only to abide by the teachings of the Koran.

As well as advise each of the addresses ruqyah to fear God and be done purely in order to please God, and are advised to God and realize that if able to guide one man that would be better than this world and everything in it. We ask Allah to guide us to the right that he listens and soon.

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